Late Tax Return Filers Extra Days Open House!

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Name: Late Tax Return Filers Extra Days Open House!
Date: April 16, 2019 - April 17, 2019
Event Description:
Patriots' Day, an official holiday in Massachusetts that commemorates Revolutionary War battles, falls on April 15 this year. Normally, residents would get an extra day to file taxes. However, April 16 is Emancipation Day in the District of Columbia. Since April 16 is a legal holiday in D.C., and the IRS can't require that tax returns be filed on a legal holiday, taxpayers in Massachusetts get yet another extra day to file. THAT'S GOOD NEWS FOR LATE FILERS! If for some reason you can't file your federal tax return on time, it’s easy to get an automatic six-month extension but you have to act by April 17. Our MA H&R Block offices are open to assist you until 4/17, after that you can visit our year round location at 98 Lower Westfield Road, Holyoke, MA.
1487 Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA 32 East Street, Ludlow, MA
Date/Time Information:
4/16/19 9-5 4/17/19 9-5
Contact Information:
Call 413-532-9991 for appointments in Chicopee/Ludlow and all other locations
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